Sunday, June 8, 2008

Everything goes better with oil

I expect I'm not alone on this one; everything is better with oil. To start, there is the obvious engine oil. No oil is bad in this case:
This was the rod bearing on my 88 Toyota LandCruiser after the previous owner ran it out of oil and I bought it as a project. Amazingly, the other 5 bearings look fine for 200k miles.

Anyway, back on task. There's also bread.

A little olive oil and perhaps crushed pepper to dress up and make delicious:
Bonus feature is the good fatty acids you get from olive oil. Just don't overdo it!

Then, of course, there is this:

More wrestling...

But the point of my post is legs:
This was after a spill in a Crash 4 race so pardon the damage. Note lack of definition.
This was after a ride in about 50 degree weather with considerable rain. Note how the oil highlights the muscle tone and enhances definition. Goodness knows my legs have terrible
definition otherwise.

So there you have it. Things just go better with oil.

-the ATM

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